August 8, 12:30 p.m. Welcome Lunch, Westminster Canterbury residents Note we expanded room for this event and can take outside guests Host: Jane and Dennis Sigloh Main Dining Room, Westminster Canterbury of the Blue Ridge 250 Pantops Mountain Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22911 Or RSVP to Frieda in the church office 540-456-6334
August 17, 4:30-6 .pm. Welcome Aboard, Nelson County Host: Beth Askew, Bob and Barbara Fuhrman Tuckahoe Clubhouse Stoney Creek/ Wintergreen 37 Stone Orchard Drive RSVPs Sign Up Genius Or RSVP to Frieda in the church office 540-456-6334 Questions? Directions? Barbara Fuhrman 434-825-5020
August 25, 11:15-11:45 a.m. Playground Popsicles Host: Elvira Highley Emmanuel Church Playground RSVPs Sign Up Genius Or RSVP to Frieda in the church office 540-456-6334 Questions? Elvira Highley 412-215-3328
August 25, 12-2 p.m. Crozet Reception THIS EVENT's SIGN UP IS FULL Host: Lucien and Mary Bass The Bass Home, 215 Burchs Creek Road, Crozet, VA 22932 RSVPs Sign Up Genius Or RSVP to Frieda in the church office 540-456-6334 Space limited. Questions? Directions? Mary Bass 540-456-7323
September 10, 6 p.m. Charlottesville Dinner THIS EVENT's SIGN UP IS FULL Host: Mary Buford and Fred Hitz, Karin Bonding The Hitz Home, 521 North First St., Charlottesville, VA 22902-4612 RSVPs Sign Up Genius Or RSVP to Frieda in the church office 540-456-6334 Questions? Directions? Mary Buford at 540-447-4444 or Karin Bonding 434-981-4845
September 22, 1:30 p.m. Golf Outing, Old Trail Golf Club Host: Mike Robinson 5494 Golf Dr, Crozet, VA 22932 RSVPs to Mike Robinson mrobin9980(at),540.476.2757
September 22, 5:30 p.m. Old Trail Chili Supper Host: Leigh and Kathleen Capshaw, Mike and Lea Robinson The Capshaw Home, 6882 Birmingham Dr, Crozet VA 22932 RSVPs Sign Up Genius Or RSVP to Frieda in the church office 540-456-6334 Questions? Directions? Kathleen Capshaw kathleen.capshaw(at) 434-760-2161 or Lea Robinson 434-242-4444