NurserySundays 9:00-11:30 a.m.The Nursery ages 0-2 (sometimes up to 5 years of age) is a safe and wonderful place for children to play and learn new skills while their parents are attending church. Whether you are a member or a guest we welcome you!
The nursery is located in the Parish Hall (accessed by covered brick walkway opposite the church entrance) and opens at 9:30a.m. There is someone there until 11:30a.m. (unless notified). The nursery will always try to maintain two people at all times. There are lots of fun activities for the children to do. The children play with Legos, coloring books and make jewelry; to learn shapes and colors. This also helps with hand eye coordination. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help in the Nursery, please contact the Office and leave a message for Causey Hope. Kid's CartsIn the church entryway, activities and books are available with items to keep young minds and hands busy so that children can absorb what they see, hear, and feel during worship.
Children's Chapel, During WorshipSeptember to May, 10 a.m.Children's Chapel is a program designed for kids 3 to 8 years old. It takes place during the first half of the 10:00 am worship service. After the Collect is read, children will be led from the church to the parish hall to listen to a bible story and do a craft activity. The children rejoin their parents during the Peace.
Baptism and ConfirmationThe Episcopal Church welcomes everyone, including infants and young children, into the household of God by Holy Baptism. Parents and godparents often make the promises contained in the Baptismal Covenant on behalf of children who are too young to speak for themselves. Confirmation evolved so that those baptized at an early age could make a mature profession of faith and a commitment to Christ when they were ready to do so.
In the sacrament of Confirmation, we receive the laying on of hands by a bishop, linking us to the apostles in an unbroken chain. We receive strength from the Holy Spirit to live life according to our baptismal promises, which are reiterated in the confirmation liturgy. Confirmation Classis open to all high school age parishioners at Emmanuel Church. Traditionally, Confirmation Class has been offered every other year and in conjunction with the Bishop’s visit. The class is held throughout the school year (September through May). The curriculum educates students on the history and polity of the Episcopal Church, the principles of the Episcopal faith, and prepares students to become voting members of the church body at age sixteen. The course also provides a framework for each participant to examine their own faith journey. The course culminates with Confirmation into the Episcopal Church by the Bishop. All young adults interested in learning more are encouraged to attend. Please contact the Church office for more information. AcolytesAn acolyte is one who assists a member of the clergy in a liturgical service by performing minor duties. Young people are warmly welcomed into the ministry of acolyting at Emmanuel Church. Through annual or semi-annual training sessions, an effort is made to create an atmosphere wherein the acolytes may be confident in their roles and upright in their involvement in the solemnity of the service. At the same time, they are relaxed in the knowledge of the moral support, gratitude and appreciation they receive from both priest and congregation. Training sessions are generally followed by pizza meals so that fellowship is fully felt!
Crucifer: The Crucifer is seen as the “head” of the acolyting team and is asked to take responsibility for helping to guide the others before and during the service. The Crucifer carries the Cross in and out, sits in the sanctuary, and assists with Communion. Torchbearer: Torchbearers carry the torches, representing the light of Christ, into the church. They process and recess together following the cross and sit in the nave, flanking the baptismal font. Gospel Carrier: On some occasions an acolyte will carry the Gospel Book, the word of Christ, into the church. For more information about becoming an acolyte or would like to volunteer as head of this ministry please contact the church office. |
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