In addition to the weekly services and sessions listed here, please note these regular weekday offerings for those seeking to add a worshipful discipline in Lent: Breakfast and Bible meets every Sunday in the Parish Hall at 8:45am A Service of Prayers for Help and Healing meets via Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm Mid-week Bible Study meets Wednesday at 12:15pm in the Library at Marston-LaRue House and via Zoom and a Contemplative Prayer gathering meets Wednesdays at 4pm in St. George's Chapel in the Parish sanctuary. Contact the office or check the weekly newsletter for more details
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14 - 12pm and 6pm Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
Sundays In Lent: Worship at 10am
Sunday, February 18 - Lent I, Great Litany and Holy Eucharist Sunday, February 25 - Lent II Holy Eucharist Sunday, March 3 - Lent III Holy Eucharist Sunday, March 10 - Lent IV Holy Eucharist Sunday, March 17 - Lent V Holy Eucharist
New to the Episcopal Church? Church curious in general? New to Emmanuel? Been here but never went to an Inquirer's Class before? Starting in the Book of Common Prayer, we will range through the particulars of the Episcopal Church, Emmanuel Church and the deeper invitation to connect.
Weekly Thursday Lenten Suppers, 6:00-7:30pm, Childcare Provided February 22-March 21